Published: 07.03.2023.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
Time period viewed: 2021 - 2025 years
  • Essays 'Global warming - influencing factors and effects on humanity', 1.
  • Essays 'Global warming - influencing factors and effects on humanity', 2.

Global warming, also known as climate change, is an increase in the normal temperature of the World's climate structure that occurs over a century. The climate structure is warming according to multiple lines of technological information. As a result of destructive factors that negatively affect the climate, global warming occurs. There may be many disastrous consequences in the future as a result of global warming for humanity and all other living organisms.

Global warming hit the polar regions and Europe the hardest in 2022, according to the article. Using Copernicus data, last year was the fifth warmest year on record - Europe experienced its hottest summer and temperatures rose more than twice the global average. …

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