Emigration from Latvia to Ireland
Nr. | Chapter | Page. |
Abstract | 3 | |
Anotācija | 4 | |
Introduction | 5 | |
1. | Theoretical part | 6 |
1.1. | Basic information about Latvia | 6 |
1.2. | Basic information about Ireland | 8 |
1.3. | Similarities between Latvia and Ireland | 14 |
1.4. | Emigration and emigrants | 14 |
2. | Practical part | 17 |
2.1. | The results of questionnaire | 17 |
Conclusion | 21 | |
References | 22 |
This research paper is about emigration from Latvia to Ireland. Since Latvia has joined the European Union, between 50 000 and 100 000 people have left the country. And the number of people, who leave Latvia and choose to go to Ireland, grows up.
The aim of the research work is to find out if there are some similarities between both countries and what are the reasons why people choose to leave Latvia, and how do they evaluate the change in quality of their lives at their new places of living.
This research paper consists of two parts – theoretical and practical.
Theoretical part of the Research Paper deals with the basic information about Latvia and Ireland. There are also analysed some similarities between both countries and added some facts about emigration and emigrants as introduction for practical part.
The aim of the practical part is to analyse and summarize the results revealing the reasons why people decide to leave Latvia and choose Ireland as their new place of living. And how they evaluate the quality of life in Ireland.
Since Latvia joined the European Union in May 2004, it’s people are free to travel to other member states in search of work. And many people use this opportunity. Unsatisfied with their lives in Latvia, people decide to leave the country. According to the statistics, Latvians usually choose to go to Ireland. Latvian officials have estimated that between 50 000 and 100 000 people have left since accession in May 2004. And the number of people, who leave Latvia and choose to go to Ireland, grows up. It is a very important problem because Latvia with a population of just 2,3 millions, is loosing so many of its people. This information appears on the television, radio and newspapers very frequently.…
Šis pētnieciskais darbs ir par emigrāciju no Latvijas uz Īriju. Kopš Latvija kļuva par Eiropas Savienības dalībvalsti, strauji ir pieauguši emigrācijas tempi. Statistikas dati liecina, ka valsti ir pametuši aptuveni 50 000 līdz 100 000 cilvēku, kuri kā savu jauno dzīvesvietu ir izvēlējušies tieši Īriju. Turklāt emigrantu skaits vēl arvien turpina pieaugt. Šī pētnieciska darba mērķis ir noskaidrot, vai pastāv kāda līdzība starp Latviju un Īriju un kādi ir iemesli tam, kāpēc cilvēki izvēlas pamest Latviju un doties tieši uz Īriju, kā arī noskaidrot, vai ir uzlabojusies viņu dzīves kvalitāte pēc dzimtenes pamešanas. Darbs sastāv no divām daļām – teorētiskās un praktiskās. Teorētiskajā daļā tika apkopota un analizēta pamatinformācija par Latviju un Īriju, ka arī tika meklētas līdzības starp abam valstīm, tika pievienota arī informācija par emigrācijas faktiem un emigrantiem, kas kalpo kā ievads praktiskajai daļai. Praktiskā daļa ir teorētiskās daļas turpinājums, kurā tiek apkopoti aptaujas rezultāti. Visi aptaujātie ir cilvēki, kas jau kādu laiku dzīvo Īrijā un ir pametuši Latviju.