Homosexuality and Pastoral Care
Nr. | Chapter | Page. |
Introduction | ||
Homosexuals and wider Christian community in 20th and 21st century | ||
Homosexuals and Adventist faith community in 20th and 21st century | ||
Pastoral care for homosexuals | ||
1. | Encouragement | |
2. | Exhortation | |
3. | Enlightenment | |
Conclusion | ||
Bibliography | ||
Internet Sources | ||
Appendix |
Christian community always thought that homosexuality and being Christian can not go together in any possible way as according the Bible and Christian tradition homosexuality is a deadly sin. However, today we are living in the diverse culture and here are different homosexual movements and many communities fighting against and for homosexual rights.
Governments in Western countries protect rights of homosexuals by law and even in some allow monogamous marriages. It affects Christian community by raising questions, demonstrating different opinions and inner struggles. Diversity and fights upon homosexuality often is compared with 18th and 19th century resistance and church’s inner struggles against liberation of slaves and women rights.1
In today rapidly changing world Christian church should be more involved in the life of different sexual orientations. The church should rethink and adjust the vision and strategy for successful ministry among minorities. As Christians we are interested in reaching and ministering to everybody even to those most fallen and prospectless as pastoral care has been associated with acts of healing, sustaining, guiding and reconciling of troubled persons in the different circumstances…
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