Published: 27.01.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Summaries, Notes 'Some Basic Laws and Definitions of Energy in General and how Organisms Use Energ', 1.
  • Summaries, Notes 'Some Basic Laws and Definitions of Energy in General and how Organisms Use Energ', 2.

1. Substrate enters enzyme
2. Causes enzyme to change shape slightly at the active site so the substrate fits more snuggly (Induced Fit)
3. Causes reaction to happen
4. Enzyme releases the products (Enzyme is reusable since it has not been changed)
Activity of an enzyme is affected by its environment; they must have certain conditions to be most effective. Some are:
1. Temperature - human enzymes require 35 - 40 ° C; above that enzymes will denature (alters shape and destroys enzymes)
2. Salt concentration - high salt concentration will interfere with the bonds that maintain most proteins
3. pH - optimum pH for most enzymes is neutral (7); anything outside of 6 - 8 range enzymes would not function properly (exception: stomach enzymes)
example: acid precipitation can harm organisms by making water so acidic that their enzymes don't function properly
4. Cofactors (inorganic) and CoEnzymes (organic) -
non-proteins that help enzymes work properly; if required, but absent, enzyme won't work
Inhibitors - Chemicals that interfere with enzyme activity 2 types.…

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