• "The Odyssey" as didactic literature: lessons taught to Odysseus about the nature of mankind and the way Odysseus changes after his experiences


    Essays2 Literature

Published: 05.01.2005.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays '"The Odyssey" as didactic literature: lessons taught to Odysseus about the natur', 1.
  • Essays '"The Odyssey" as didactic literature: lessons taught to Odysseus about the natur', 2.

<Tab/>The Odysseus who leaves Troy changes into a completely different man before he arrives at his home in Ithaca. The hero endures many trials and tribulations induced by the menis of Poseidon, but learns from his mistakes and matures much through his trek. Poseidon serves as a symbol of the supernatural and the threatening. In a way, he is the abusive, but pedagogic father. It is Poseidon who keeps Odysseus in the face of danger, and it is Poseidon who keeps him suffering. Until the seventh year of Calypso, Athena does nothing and observes patiently. She is the gentle and…
