• Describe the Strategies You Would Use to Promote Speaking and Listening in the Primary English Classroom


    Essays2 Pedagogy

Published: 05.07.2006.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Describe the Strategies You Would Use to Promote Speaking and Listening in the P', 1.
  • Essays 'Describe the Strategies You Would Use to Promote Speaking and Listening in the P', 2.

Oracy is, according to Green and Campbell (2003, 58), the "umbrella activity for learning." Speaking and listening are integral to all English learning areas, and classroom talk is "the form in which learning is presented and delivered, and the vehicle by which learning is interpreted...learners must be communicators and thinkers before they can be effective readers and writers" (Green and Campbell 2003, 53). Given that this area is of utmost importance, it is critical that teachers themselves understand the value of speaking and listening, and ensure their students do likewise.

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