Published: 09.11.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Can You Make Soldiers in Coed Basic Training', 1.

basic combat training turns civilians into soldiers by teaching them basic soldier skills. These skills do not teach soldiers how to fight, but how to survive. All soldiers need theses skills because, as shown by the recent conflicts in Iraq, any soldier can be thrown into a combat situation. Males and females should not go through basic training together because it distracts them from learning the basic soldiering skills needed to survive in a combat situation.
I went through military basic training in the Army at Fort Jackson in the summer of 2002, where they do have male and female recruits training together. I have first hand knowledge of what goes on during this type of basic training. In basic training civilians are taught the basic soldiering skills, both physical skills and discipline skills. In the Army they teach you some Discipline skills through the acronym LDRSHIP. …
