Published: 15.09.2004.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'NATO Forum', 1.
  • Essays 'NATO Forum', 2.
  • Essays 'NATO Forum', 3.
  • Essays 'NATO Forum', 4.
  • Essays 'NATO Forum', 5.
  • Essays 'NATO Forum', 6.
  • Essays 'NATO Forum', 7.
  • Essays 'NATO Forum', 8.
Table of contents
Nr. Chapter  Page.
1.  Introduction   
2.  The benefits of NATO   
3.  Working with other organizations   
4.  NATO’s purpose   
5.  Work between members   
6.  Debates   

Hello! We are very glad, that you take a part in our forum. I hope every one of us will be very pleased with our forum that includes discussions and information about NATO. Today we are there for making better knowledge about NATO and we will try to draw the main patterns. Before we start, we want to tell you, that we can’t do anything with aggressiveness, that’s why we hope that everything will be all right and only in placid way we could find solution.
First thing, that I want to tell you is about benefits of NATO. NATO provides peace and stability. These are the most important things, on what NATO is built. Today we often take it for granted, that we can walk around freely in a safe and economically stable environment. Security in all areas of every day life is key to our well-being. NATO contributes to this environment by promoting cooperation and developing strong ties of solidarity among it 19 members, therefore reducing the risk of conflict. In short, NATO gives members the opportunity to discuss security issues of common concern. The Alliance also pushes cooperation beyond the political and military fields, for instance in areas such as science and the environment for protection environmental resources, health. …

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