Is Your Child Safe at Home?
Coffee table corners, or any short stool, bench, or chair should have rounded corners to lower the risk of serious injury. One should also not have any rugs, in which children can trip on, near such objects.
If your home contains a gas fireplace, it is necessary to remove the key before, during and after use. If a child is playing and turns the gas on while no one is looking, no one may wake up the next morning.
Lastly, the most important rule for any parent, teacher or guardian is to never take your eye off the child. At anytime she could disappear for three seconds and "it only takes three seconds for an infant to drown," says Laurie.
Childproofing one's home is a difficult task because nothing will ever be fully childproof. Even if you have electrical plug stoppers, pool gates, rounded coffee tables, locks on all your cabinets, the gas key hidden, and your pets locked up mistakes happen, things forgotten and children will fall, get hurt and possible die. "The most important child safety technique is to always keep an eye on your child," reinforces Laurie.
IS YOUR CHILD SAFE IN YOUR OWN HOME What Parents do not know. By Laetitia Lavie The pool gate is shut, the doors locked and your child is inside safely playing in your line of sight. Or is she? A child can find anything, with in a matter of seconds, inside a childproof home that could cause serious injury or death to herself. "The home is the most common place for accidental child injury," says Dr. Milan Pharo, a Dallas Pediatrician. Many parents/guardians do not realize there is more to watching your child around the pool, you have to watcher her 24 hours a day seven days a week, especi