Privatization Processes in European Countries
Nr. | Chapter | Page. |
Preface | 3 | |
General situation in private- public relationships in W- European capitalist systems till 80s. | 4 | |
Plusses and minusses of privatisation in W- Europe | 5 | |
France | 7 | |
Germany | 9 | |
Italy | 10 | |
Great Britain | 11 | |
Privatisation in E- Europe | 12 | |
Conclusion | 13 | |
Main Thesis | 14 | |
Literature | 15 |
Public versus private ownership- that’s the question which arise in W- European capitalist systems. The exchange of governments and economic reforms in the world continuously change balance between these spheres. Until eighties in the world (with some exceptions) was very attentive attitude about privatisation of public ownership. Margaret Thatcher was first who made the privatisation as quite normal thing. Selling of many large public companies like BRITISH TELECOM, she get the money for budget and created millions of new shareholders which later growed up as supporters of Conservative party. Many countries- despite on their political orientation, including socialists in Spain, Portugal and France- started to privatise their public enterprises. In Germany was created special agency- Treuhandanstalt- which started to sell all enterprises in former E- Germany. Despite on many obstacles, privatisation process in W- Europe was very effective and many public spheres became as private companies. Unfortunately the Western example was useless in E- European countries. Its quite possible that these countries tried to solve these problems not one more year.
privatizacijas procesu analize Eiropas valstis. 16 lpp.