• Biography of the Mathematician Named Diophantus


    Essays1 Math

Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Biography of the Mathematician Named Diophantus', 1.

(200 AD. - 284 AD.)
I found very little known facts about Diophantus's life. Some of the things I found though were that he studied at the University of Alexandria in Egypt. He is know as the "Father of Algebra". He did numerous things for the world of mathematics. One of his greatest contributions is the book of Arithmetica.
The most I have found about his life is that he was married at the age of 33 and had a son who dies at the age of 42. That's 4 years before Diophantus dies at 84. Diophantus had people put a riddle on his tomb to find out how old he was. …
