Published: 28.01.2010.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: 1 units
References: Not used
  • Presentations 'Music in Tudor England', 1.
  • Presentations 'Music in Tudor England', 2.
  • Presentations 'Music in Tudor England', 3.
  • Presentations 'Music in Tudor England', 4.
  • Presentations 'Music in Tudor England', 5.
  • Presentations 'Music in Tudor England', 6.
  • Presentations 'Music in Tudor England', 7.
  • Presentations 'Music in Tudor England', 8.
  • Presentations 'Music in Tudor England', 9.
  • Presentations 'Music in Tudor England', 10.
  • Presentations 'Music in Tudor England', 11.
  • Presentations 'Music in Tudor England', 12.
  • Presentations 'Music in Tudor England', 13.
  • Presentations 'Music in Tudor England', 14.
  • Presentations 'Music in Tudor England', 15.

Music was of great importance in both secular and sacred life in Tudor times
Music was very popular when the Kings and Queens played instruments and wrote their own music and songs!
Several of the Tudor kings and queens were skilled at the lute and Elizabeth I was particularly good at the virginals
Elizabeth I was a keen pianist, but her piano looked very different from those of today!
Virginals that belonged to Elizabeth I.…
