Published: 09.09.2013.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Presentations 'Alexander Wendt: Anarchy Is what States Make of It: The Social Construction of P', 1.
  • Presentations 'Alexander Wendt: Anarchy Is what States Make of It: The Social Construction of P', 2.
  • Presentations 'Alexander Wendt: Anarchy Is what States Make of It: The Social Construction of P', 3.
  • Presentations 'Alexander Wendt: Anarchy Is what States Make of It: The Social Construction of P', 4.
  • Presentations 'Alexander Wendt: Anarchy Is what States Make of It: The Social Construction of P', 5.
  • Presentations 'Alexander Wendt: Anarchy Is what States Make of It: The Social Construction of P', 6.
  • Presentations 'Alexander Wendt: Anarchy Is what States Make of It: The Social Construction of P', 7.
  • Presentations 'Alexander Wendt: Anarchy Is what States Make of It: The Social Construction of P', 8.
  • Presentations 'Alexander Wendt: Anarchy Is what States Make of It: The Social Construction of P', 9.
  • Presentations 'Alexander Wendt: Anarchy Is what States Make of It: The Social Construction of P', 10.
  • Presentations 'Alexander Wendt: Anarchy Is what States Make of It: The Social Construction of P', 11.
  • Presentations 'Alexander Wendt: Anarchy Is what States Make of It: The Social Construction of P', 12.
  • Presentations 'Alexander Wendt: Anarchy Is what States Make of It: The Social Construction of P', 13.

State identities are defined by interaction, state interests stem from those respective identities
Wendt: “self-help and power politics do not follow either logically or causally from anarchy (..) if today we find ourselves in a self-help world, this is due to process, not structure.”

Self-help and power politics are institutions: institutions can be competitive as well as cooperative

Wendt defines 3 types of security systems that might exist under anarchy:
Competitive (Hobbes, war of all against all)
Individualistic (neoliberal systems; Locke)
Cooperative (Kant)

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