Published: 07.01.2009.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Imaginary Future', 1.
  • Essays 'Imaginary Future', 2.

Nobody knows, how many years our world exists. But it is visible, that humanity is progressing: techniques are improved, new meds are invented. Our lives are carrying on updating. Now we don’t need to do hard works, because machines can do it instead of us. But what will be next? There are many theories about future.
One of the main themes is the third world war. It may be the cruelest war in history. Techniques could reach unimaginable progress. It could be the war of machines instead of power tryout. Scientists think that after this disastrous incident our planet and map will be fully different. After it all will be tattered and all that humanity reached in all the years of existence will be lost. Population of Earth will reduce and there will be the main nation- Chinese people. Europe will be destroyed.

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