• Are Ethical Statements (Axioms) Different from the sStatements of Science?


    Essays2 Philisophy

Published: 06.05.2006.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Are Ethical Statements (Axioms) Different from the sStatements of Science?', 1.
  • Essays 'Are Ethical Statements (Axioms) Different from the sStatements of Science?', 2.

This already shows that our calculations using Newton's second law of motion (which relates force with mass and acceleration) while assuming a constant mass are not entirely accurate.
As seen in the examples throughout the journal, the two types of axioms are reached and tested partly in similar ways, but also in differing ways. However they may be, no "truth" of our time can be claimed to last. Just as many other products of human effort: buildings, statues, and machinery have rumbled down to the ground, the products of thought will also be twisted, distorted and falsified by time - which in itself is not absolute, as Einstein himself claims.
