Published: 31.05.2006.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Research Papers 'We Need to Read Books', 1.

We need read a books, because there are explain lots of ways how you can live in harmony with your soul, body and brain. In my opinion, if we read a books we become well-balanced. In each row we can find everything, there you can’t lost, just find somethig new.
I think Paulo Kueju (īsti nezinu kā pareizi rakstās – paskaties uz grāmatas) is best of writers who describes and explains how you can get everything, what you want. He helps you choose the best way in your life. And your dreams come true. He thinks it is possible.
In one of his books, its name is “Alchemist” i was found so many cognitions, like that – if you really something want – you get it, and no other way, just your hard need very hardly believe in that. These writer books are very soulful.
And there are some biography information:
Paulo Coelho, seen by some as an alchemist of words and, by others, as a mass culture phenomenon, is the most influential author of the present century.

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