Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'The poem "Ithaca" and how allusion is used in it.', 1.

Gwen Johnson
English I
By: Constantine Cavafy
Allusion is a reference to a historical or literary person, place or even with which the reader is assumed to be familiar. In the poem, "Ithaca", the author refers to Lestrygonians, Cyclopes, and the Poseidon. Lestrygonians are cannibals who destroy all of Odysseus' ships except his own and kill the crews. A Cyclops is a ficticious creature with one eye. A Poseidon is a fierce monster.
By: Constantine Cavafy
When you start on your journey to Ithaca,
Then pray that the road is long, full of knowledge.
Do not fear the…
