Published: 05.11.2010.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
Time period viewed: 20th century (1900 A.D. to 1999 A.D.
  • Samples 'Graph Analys', 1.
  • Samples 'Graph Analys', 2.

Just over 10 000 units of electronics were sold in 1990. Sales increased dramatically over the next two years, to peak at almost 60 000 in 1992. However, sales then fell sharply to well under 30 000 in the following year, and they went down by a further 12000 or so between 1993 and 1994. There was a steady increase in sales over the next three years, and by 1997 there had been a rise of slightly more than 10000. After this sales began to drop once more to approximately 10000 in 1999.…

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