The Origin of Canada and Native Canadians
Nr. | Chapter | Page. |
Introduction | 3 | |
The Government and Political Parties | 4 | |
Canada’s Geographical Situation and Population | 6 | |
A Brief Insight into the History of Canada | 7 | |
The First Inhabitants of Canada | 9 | |
Religion | 11 | |
History and Heritage | 13 | |
The Interview with Public Affairs Officer of the Canadian Embassy | 16 | |
The analysis of the questionnaires | 17 | |
Conclusions | 20 | |
Anotācija | 21 | |
Аннотация | 22 | |
Bibliography | 23 | |
Supplement | 24 |
How many people know about the origin of Canada? The same question I asked to myself and could not find the answer. How comes that nobody knows where the second biggest country in the world has originated from? Do we know anything about their money, language differences, people and politics?
I have chosen the present theme because I am very much interested into Canada as a country, its people and traditions, as well as into the initial reasons of its formation as a separate and independent country.
The goal of the present paper is to get to know more about this country and discover some new facts regarding its origin.
In order to accomplish the goal I have done:
1) The interview with Canadian ambassador’s assistant
2) The analysis of literature
3) The survey among the students of Olaine Secondary School No. 1
Hypothesis of my work is – native people suffered from European new land invaders.
Canada is a parliamentary federal monarchy, an independent state consisting of ten provinces and two territories. The official head of the state is Queen Elizabeth II, represented in Canada by a governor-general. In practice the nation is governed by the Prime Minister, the leader of the majority party in the House of Commons.
The legislative branch of power is represented by the Parliament.
Canada’s Parliament has two chambers. The lower house of the House of Commons comprises 282 members, who are elected every 5 years. The upper house of the Parliament is the Senate. Its 104 members are traditionally appointed by parties and they serve up to the age of 75.
The executive branch of power is composed of the Prime Minister, the Cabinet of the governor-general. The Cabinet is chosen by the Prime Minister, almost always from among members of his party in the House of Commons. The governor-general is appointed by the Queen as her representative, but he performs only certain formal tasks. Actually the government is directed by the Prime Minister. The seat of the government is in Ottawa, the capital of Canada.…
Šis darbs ir par Kanādas izcelšanos un par tās pirmatnējiem iedzīvotājiem. Darbā ir Kanādas vēsture un paražas, par Kanādas pirmatnējiem iedzīvotājiem, tās politisko sistēmu, reliģiju, ģeogrāfisko stāvokli, intervija ar Kanādas vēstnieka palīgu Latvijā, aptauju analīze un anotācijas latviešu un krievu valodās.