• Lord of the Flies- Fruedian Psychology and the Comparison to the Characters


    Essays1 Literature

Published: 12.12.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Lord of the Flies- Fruedian Psychology and the Comparison to the Characters', 1.

Man is inherently evil. More accurately, a piece of man is inherently evil. Golding helps reinforce Freud's theories through his novel, Lord of the Flies. The boys take on sections of the unconscious mind and give the little island a larger importance. By Golding narrowing down the aspects of the mind and the world itself onto a small island with opposing personalities it allows the author to tackle very universal problems and topics. Golding shows an amazing example of society's unconscious in the concrete world.
The boys on the island show great contrast with out being amazingly in…
