Robert Coram "Atlanta Heat"
At first when I took the book, I thought that it will be another running book, where the cop is trying to catch the perportaitor, but this one somehow told me: take me and read me, so I decided to take it. This is detective story with some science fiction add-ons it makes the story so good and unpredictable This is quite long book it took me to read it in 3 or 4 weeks, reading it day by day. It has 367 pages, it is fast reading and well enjoyable. Unfortunately it is not illustrated no photographs, drawings and so on, so there won’t be pleasure for picture lovers. Subject of the book is about a person who makes a great mysterious adventure. I counted a lot of characters: The first and the most important character is C.R Payne. He is an ambitious black detective who has just been handed for his first big case. Well dressed in black suit, he has got many good friends in police and FBI. Some say that he is too reliable, because, he says everything to everyone and that’s way he had got a lot of trouble with his first big case. Sometimes he forgets about a lot of things, so the investigation lasted very long. Kitty O Hara – police reporter, whose brother was the second victim at the Gas Station, so she has got rights to enter the crime scene. She is very emotion and conventional woman. She didn’t wear bra, it was a bit strange. Collin Biddle – He owns the world. …
. Book is about a rookie detective investigating a double homicide. He is relying on help and inside information from Atlanta's most famous crime reporter--a man who is soon going to be his worst enemy. Reporter has got respect and trust of all entire city, and he has got enough power to cover up his vicious crime. Some of reporters thought that killer could be a black gun nut. Every time Collin was two steps ahead Payne all over the story. I found this book to be a GREAT read, very fast paced and quite enjoyable. Although book was long, it kept me turning every page after page to see what happened next. I'd like to remind readers that the author wrote what's called "fiction" and although sometimes we often compare fiction to reality, in the end, it's still fiction. Read this book for believability. Grāmatas apskats par Roberta Corama rakstīto grāmatu "Atlana Heat"- tā ir ļoti jauka grāmata.