Published: 02.11.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Life of Elizabeth Barrett Browning', 1.
  • Essays 'Life of Elizabeth Barrett Browning', 2.
  • Essays 'Life of Elizabeth Barrett Browning', 3.
  • Essays 'Life of Elizabeth Barrett Browning', 4.

The poor-club exercised her Christian gifts
Of knitting stockings, stitching petticoats,
Because we are of one flesh after all." (Aurora Leigh, 1857)
Barrett wrote this poem to express her exact feelings towards the world, and the oppression of herself
and other women writers. During her lifetime, men were the dominant figures in society, and to become
a famous woman was quite the task. Barrett however, overcame this challenge and went on to be a
worldly known female poet for her talent in writing.
Though Barrett had many hardships throughout her childhood and adult years, literature seemed
to have brought her through it all. Dispite illness, death and depression, Barrett prevailed and learned to
express her many emotions through writing. Through her poetry she was able to share her feelings with
others, and help many people express their thoughts also. She will forever be remembered as the strong
woman with the exceptional ability to put emotions onto paper.
