Published: 19.03.2011.
Language: English
Level: Elementary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Presentations 'Cathedral Dom', 1.
  • Presentations 'Cathedral Dom', 2.
  • Presentations 'Cathedral Dom', 3.
  • Presentations 'Cathedral Dom', 4.
  • Presentations 'Cathedral Dom', 5.
  • Presentations 'Cathedral Dom', 6.
  • Presentations 'Cathedral Dom', 7.

The biggest cathedral in the Baltic States was founded in 1211 by the first Archibishop of Riga Albert in the honor of Saint Jacob`s Day.The archibishop followed the process of the building of the Cathedral very carefully by investing large sums of money in the construction .

In 1524 during the Reformation period the original look of the cathedral was lost. And in 1547 the fire caused the further destruction of the Cathedral. And so, the first stage of the construction was completed in 1270. But after the last reconstruction, the height of the Cathedral tower reached 90 metres.…

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