Published: 03.01.2017.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: 5 units
References: Not used
Time period viewed: 2000 - 2010 years
2011 - 2015 years
  • Summaries, Notes 'Autumn Festivals in Riga', 1.
  • Summaries, Notes 'Autumn Festivals in Riga', 2.
  • Summaries, Notes 'Autumn Festivals in Riga', 3.
  • Summaries, Notes 'Autumn Festivals in Riga', 4.
  • Summaries, Notes 'Autumn Festivals in Riga', 5.
  • Summaries, Notes 'Autumn Festivals in Riga', 6.
  • Summaries, Notes 'Autumn Festivals in Riga', 7.
  • Summaries, Notes 'Autumn Festivals in Riga', 8.
  • Summaries, Notes 'Autumn Festivals in Riga', 9.
  • Summaries, Notes 'Autumn Festivals in Riga', 10.
Table of contents
Nr. Chapter  Page.
  Introduction    4
1.1.  September Culture festivals in Riga    4
1.1.  Baltā nakts    4
1.2.  Dzejas dienas    5
3.1.  “Staro Rīga”    6
  References    8
2.  Appendicitis    9

2.1. 2Annas.
Being one of very few international film festivals taking place in Riga, 2Annas is concentrating on new, small and innovative film producers. The main goal being introduce Latvians with European small production films and getting to know Baltic film revolution, while showing films in “inappropriate” places, festival is growing very fast (“Par festivālu”, 2016).
3. November cultural festivals in Riga.
November for Latvians is called “patriotic month” because of both the Bear Slayer Day and National Independence Day on 11th and 18th November. For last couple of years government host light festival “Staro Rīga” (in English: “Riga is lightning”) for celebration which is the most popular annual event for citizens.
3.1 “Staro Rīga”

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