Published: 30.05.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'A Busy Place, Now Deserted', 1.

A Busy Place, Now Deserted
That year, 2003, although Beijing was in its late spring, it was a sunny day, bright blue skies. The window was still opened, and the wind filled my bedroom. The curtains fluttered and flapped. I set myself comfortably in the bed with cushion behind my head, and watched the TV shows. I heard the footsteps in the hall, and the key turning in the lock before the door was opened. It was my roommate, Jubb.
"Did you see what the paper said this morning?" She asked while threw her jacket on her bed. The she poured herself a glass of water, and sat down on the edge of…
