Published: 21.12.2005.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Good vs. Evil in "Billy Budd"', 1.

Good and evil exist in all things whether it's in the Power Rangers show we watched as a child or in Herman Melville's novel "Billy Budd". Billy Budd and John Claggart are Melville's portrayal of the opposing forces of good and evil that run throughout all aspects of human experience. Billy is viewed as good and innocent and having no real character flaws except for a stutter and Claggart is an evil man who wants to watch the downfall and death of Billy Budd. G.B. Caird's essay entitled, "The Truth of the Gospel", can be related to "Billy Budd". Good and evil are two natural forces are…
