Published: 21.08.2024.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
Time period viewed: 20th century (1900 A.D. to 1999 A.D.
  • Essays 'The role of the Baltic Way in the fall of the Berlin Wall', 1.
  • Essays 'The role of the Baltic Way in the fall of the Berlin Wall', 2.
  • Essays 'The role of the Baltic Way in the fall of the Berlin Wall', 3.
  • Essays 'The role of the Baltic Way in the fall of the Berlin Wall', 4.

Lech Walensa, the former leader of the Polish liberation movement, wrote me five years ago „ I'm still standing on the Baltic Way, which was an important element in the domino effect which destroyed the world order established by totalitarianism."
The Baltic Road, of course, has played an important role in destruction of soviet empire at late eighties.
Main secret of powerfulness of Baltic liberation movements - was fantastic solidarity inside occupied countries as well as the fantastic international solidarity and helplessness with neighbors.
Latvia was objectively the weakest stage of Baltic chain, more Sovietized and more colonized after Second World War. Still 30 years ago in the territory of our country were 300 of the Soviet military bases and close to 200 000 military contingent. Latvia was full of KGB and GRU structures. In our capital Riga Soviet Baltic Military District Headquarter were located. Latvians had become a minority in their own country. Because of purposive colonization and russification.

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