  • This is a Compare/Contrast Essay on two vietnam veterans returning home after the Vietnam War.


    Essays1 Literature

Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'This is a Compare/Contrast Essay on two vietnam veterans returning home after th', 1.

Coming Home
We have read many different perspectives of the Vietnam War from our Negotiating Difference book. Many veterans have said that coming home was a terrible experience for them. I will compare and contrast Leslie McClusky's experience of returning home with that of Harold Bryant's experience. It's amazing to me how differently people felt about the war and their homecoming.
Upon returning home Bryant and McClusky's stories were similar. Both had a tough time adjusting to everyday life, both drank a lot to help them forget what they went through in Vietnam.
Whey they first re…
