Cogeneration in Latvia
Nr. | Chapter | Page. |
What is cogeneration? | 5 | |
Advantages cogenerations from separate manufacture of energy national policy and available situation in the cogeneration | 8 | |
References | 13 |
Factors that promotion of cogenerations wide introduction in the national economy is:
Report of Kyoto and EU Directive on the promotion of cogeneration based on a useful heat demand in the internal energy market;
A natural accident (hurricanes and flooding) which breaks normal work in the power grid and power consumer;
Independent power supply;
Ecology factor.
A sustainable development of EU countries is focused on human beings and aimed of improving the living conditions of humans by preserving the nature and the environment. In rate of the economic growth does not exceed the rate of the environmental pollution and consumption of resources.
In connection with the Kyoto Protocol of the UN Convention on Climate Change, ratified by the Latvia Parliament in 2002, during the period from 2008 through 2012 Latvia shall reduce emissions of anthropogenic gases (CO2, CH4, NOX) by 8% of the amount of emissions in 1990. Therefore, it is very important to encourage the implementation of measures in all energy - intensive industries as well as the use of local renewable energy resources and efficient energy production technologies.
An efficient tools in saving primary energy resources (natural gas, biogas, diesel fuel et.c.) and reducing CO2 emissions in the air as well as providing an autonomous (alternative) energy supply are small scale heat and electric power cogeneration plants (from 50 kWe to 1 MWe) with saving of primary energy resources more than 10% and reducing CO2 emissions up to 40 % High efficiency cogeneration is defined by the energy savings by combined production instead of separate production of heat and electricity. Energy savings of more than 10% qualify for the terms "high-efficiency cogeneration".…
Darbs atbildēs uz jautājumiem: cik daudz elektroenerģijas Latvijā saražo koģenerācijas režīmā; kāds ir lietderības koeficients koģenerācijas iekārtām un to perspektīvas Latvijas tautsaimniecībā.