  • Compare and Contrast two poems: Welsh Landscape and East Moors


    Essays2 Literature

Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Compare and Contrast two poems: Welsh Landscape and East Moors ', 1.
  • Essays 'Compare and Contrast two poems: Welsh Landscape and East Moors ', 2.

"Welsh Landscape" is written by R.S Thomas. He was a Welsh traditionalist born in 1913 and he died in 2000. He has strong views and lives in the past thinking of Wales of having no present or future. The poem consists of just one stanza. The main theme of this poem is war imagery, the words that suggest this are "ambush", "spilled blood", "wild", "strife", "strung", "sped arrows", "cries", "fields", "corners" and "carcass".
He describes Wales to have "spilled blood" which describes past battles. He goes on to describe how the "immaculate rivers" are dyed - they can't be perfect. Even water…
