• "A Clockwork Orange": Violence and Corruption


    Essays2 Art

Published: 21.11.2005.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays '"A Clockwork Orange": Violence and Corruption', 1.

Alex, the fifteen year old narrator of Anthony Burgess's novel, "A Clockwork Orange", lives in a society where violence reigns. This novel has a very direct nature, and is often blunt to the point of offense, but this makes it more powerful and helps to further its point. This point is that everyone is out for themselves, whether they be the police, government or citizens of this society.
In this book, the police can be just as violent as Alex and his droogs, or gang. In fact, by the end of the novel, his droogs have themselves become the police. The police have no qualms about beating people almost to the point of death as they do with Alex both at the beginning, "...they all had a turn, bouncing me from one to the other like some very weak bloody ball...and fisting me in the yarbles and the [mouth] and the belly and dealing out kicks...I [was] sick...on the floor..." (70) and at the end of the book for no other reason than
they feel like it. "...It was all panting and thudding against this like background of whirring farm engines..." …
