Published: 08.12.2009.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Presentations 'Personnel Assessment', 1.
  • Presentations 'Personnel Assessment', 2.
  • Presentations 'Personnel Assessment', 3.
  • Presentations 'Personnel Assessment', 4.
  • Presentations 'Personnel Assessment', 5.
  • Presentations 'Personnel Assessment', 6.
  • Presentations 'Personnel Assessment', 7.

What is the total possible?
Personality Assessment or testing
Models of competence development and evaluation
360° degree evaluation
Personality Assessment – Personāla novērtēšana
Models of competence – Kompetenču modeļu
Degree evaluation - Grādu novērtēšana
Why is it necessary to ?
Opportunity to optimize labor resources
More efficient allocation of duties between staff
Discover your employees potential workers among general staff and leaders
Make a career development plan
Explore the knowledge level of employees
Labor resources - Darba resursi
More efficient allocation of duties - Lietderīgāk sadalīt darba pienākumus
Discover your employees - Atklāt savu darbinieku vidū
Explore the knowledge level - Izzināt zināšanu līmeni.…

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