• What Does Nietzsche Mean by the Eternal Return? Explore with Reference to "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"


    Essays5 Philisophy

Published: 03.06.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'What Does Nietzsche Mean by the Eternal Return? Explore with Reference to "Thus ', 1.
  • Essays 'What Does Nietzsche Mean by the Eternal Return? Explore with Reference to "Thus ', 2.
  • Essays 'What Does Nietzsche Mean by the Eternal Return? Explore with Reference to "Thus ', 3.
  • Essays 'What Does Nietzsche Mean by the Eternal Return? Explore with Reference to "Thus ', 4.
  • Essays 'What Does Nietzsche Mean by the Eternal Return? Explore with Reference to "Thus ', 5.

In this essay I aim to examine Nietzsche's concept of the Eternal Return and show how it is fundamentally linked to his other main ideas in Thus Spoke Zarathustra; namely; the Superman and the Will to Power. I will do this by examining the Eternal Return as it appears in a number of Nietzsche's works as well as concentrating on the role of the Eternal Return in relation to the Superman and the Will to Power in Thus Spoke Zarathustra itself. I will also recourse to a number of secondary texts in order to gather a range of views on the subject (see bibliography for detailed references).
