The Film "The Dead Poets Society"
And this puts teacher in the middle of Neil and his father. After this Mr. Keating is in the middle, school blames him for Neil’s death. Although all he did was encourage him to realize his inner self.
But in the end of boys realized what Mr. Keating wanted to teach them, the saddest part that they only understood in very painful way, one member of the Dead Poet Society was dead, and nothing will change that. But this will make them look from different point of you, but they will never forget that you can`t cross the line.
Now days education is more in line with Mr. Keating`s view on it. It is all about individuality. Now days students are allowed to give their opinion. They are asked what their thoughts on a particular subject. You are allowed to think and have your own point of view on things. So at the end of the day you do what you love most. Please remember John Keating words :” Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.” Carpe Diem. …
The film Dead Poets Society is about group of teenagers who study at Welton Academy. Four pillars of Welton Academy – tradition, excellence, honor and discipline describes their life in this school perfectly. As film is set in 1959 teaching methods are all about the tradition. Main character Mr. Keating challenges this tradition. He wants to remind that life is too short to not live life to the fullest. In all kind of ways, he tries to encourage them to express themselves. In the film there is conflict between Neil and his father. Neil young teenage boy who is very passionate about acting and wants to live out his dream, becoming an actor. His dad will never give his son a change to express his own feelings about his future he wants his son to live better life than he had. He cannot see Neil`s pain. Not even knowing he pushes his son too far. His father does not allow acting in play. But Neil is so passionate about play and following idea of Carpe Diem he acts in the play anyway. Both of them see this situation from their own side. Neil is seventy years old boy and thinks this play is the most important thing in his life. He is so good and all his friends are happy that he is fallowing his dream becoming an actor, but his father is so disappointed in him and mad that he participated in this play even he was forbidden. Neil kills himself, he did not see point of living anymore if he can`t do what he is passionate about. He made a suicide, because he did not see point of living, if he has to live his father`s dream of better life. There wasn`t reason for Neil to live anymore if he cannot do what he really loved.