• Account for the Rise of New Social Movements and Evaluate their Impact on Modern British Politics


    Essays2 Sociology

Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Account for the Rise of New Social Movements and Evaluate their Impact on Modern', 1.
  • Essays 'Account for the Rise of New Social Movements and Evaluate their Impact on Modern', 2.

A social movement is simply defined as a non-institutional body or group which takes up a given cause or issue of a political nature. Whilst social movements have been around for a long time, 'new' social movements (or NSMs) have risen (or returned) due to more recent changes in British society and politics. However, there are more discerning features which separate NSMs from OSMs.
While OSMs tend to represent working class alliances such as trade unions, focus more on economic change and tend to be class based organisations; NSMs are more concerned with moral and cultural issues and are…
