• Billy Elliot Film Text Response: What Does Jackie Elliot Want from His Son?


    Essays1 Art

Published: 25.08.2005.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Billy Elliot Film Text Response: What Does Jackie Elliot Want from His Son?', 1.

Jackie is most proud of his son, when at the end of the film. Billy dances out onto a big stage to perform "swanlake". It takes Jackie's breathe away.
Overall through this film, we see Jackie, a father who does love his son. Aside from hgis traditional and antifeminist beliefs, Jackie was able to come through with great support for his son. All he wants for his son is to see him doing something he loves, even if that is dancing
good, try to use lots of quotes and and examples from the film and refer back to the question throughout your essay.
