  • The Surge of a Unipolar World, the Structural Deficit of the United States and the Military Keynesianism


    Essays3 Warfare, Politics

Published: 25.03.2008.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: n/a
References: Used
  • Essays 'The Surge of a Unipolar World, the Structural Deficit of the United States and t', 1.
  • Essays 'The Surge of a Unipolar World, the Structural Deficit of the United States and t', 2.
  • Essays 'The Surge of a Unipolar World, the Structural Deficit of the United States and t', 3.

E.Hobsbawm argues that in the 20 centaury were 3 kinds of communism: Soviet, Soviet satellites and Chinese. The Chinese communism has fundamental difference from Soviet communism. Mao Dzedun adopted Stalinism and Leninism not Marxism as fundamental of own doctrine.
Unlike Russia the main force of revolution in China was peasants because of low industrial level in China. According the Mao peasants were main force of communism building which feeding states industry. Besides until the era of Den Xiaoping’s China ignored its economic underdevelopment and backwardness of state at the global level. …

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