Published: 17.12.2002.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Experiment: The Effect of Light on Growing Plants', 1.
  • Essays 'Experiment: The Effect of Light on Growing Plants', 2.

To improve our experiment we could use light bulbs with higher or lower wattages to determine whether the light quality would still have the same effects on the plants as it did with medium power wattage.
In conclusion light quality does have an effect on plant growth. Our prediction was correct as shown by the experiment the plant with the white bulb had the most growth. We were wrong in our prediction about the blue light, which had the least amount of growth, while the red light had the second best results. We also were wrong about our assumptions that the blue and red lights may not give enough light and the plants might die. This experiment shows how plants grow at different periods throughout the day because there are different qualities of light from sunrise to sunset.
