Published: 05.12.2008.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'George Orwell "Why I write"', 1.
  • Essays 'George Orwell "Why I write"', 2.
  • Essays 'George Orwell "Why I write"', 3.
  • Essays 'George Orwell "Why I write"', 4.

In the essay Why I Write George Orwell offers the reader to look into his and any other writer’s motivations for writing – from his point of view. At one point in my life I used to write poems and short stories, because I really enjoyed doing that. It was not because I actually wanted to be a writer, although as far as can I remember myself, there was always an interest in journalism. That is why I was interested in reading about the reasons why some people spend incredibly great amount of time writing. From this essay I understood that writers write to be heard, they write, because they really care about the world and they want to show it in a different, maybe extraordinary way, they want to reveal some kind of truths or facts, and they also write just because they can and they are good at it.
Every person has an opinion about every little thing in the world, and every person wants this opinion to be considered, but not everybody has got the courage to speak up. A writer can express himself in his writing. And if he is good with his use of language and words, he can influence peoples’ lives, change their minds, alter their ideas, and prove that their opinion is wrong, but his is right. Words can speak just as loud as action.…

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