Eventually there are many treatment options for agoraphobia and psychiatrist may prescribe what he thinks is the best for the particular person. Firstly, agoraphobia can be treated with medications. Highly common medication for agoraphobia patients is SSRIs (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) also known as antidepressants. Mostly prescribed for mood disorders, like depression. Or Benzodiazepines, psychoactive drugs also known as minor tranquilizers. Secondly there are psychotherapy option, more specifically cognitive behavioral therapy and systematic desensitization. This therapy desensitizes crowded social places and makes them less fear inducing by slowly exposing patient to stimuli that causes fear associated with specific phobia. There also relatively new treatment type called “Panic control treatment” (Michelle G. Craske et al., 2003).…
Darbā tiek apskatīta agorafobija angļu valodā ar psiholoģisku teorētisko pamatu. Atsauces APA stilā. -- This essay will examine a particular phobia called Agoraphobia. Why it impacts a person’s life so negatively, symptoms that are common between persons with this phobia, and treatment options, unfortunately not all treatments always prove to be successful. Agoraphobia is a special phobia that usually develops in patients with panic disorder (G. L Thorpe et al., 2012) Like other phobias agoraphobia negatively affects a person's social life. The person has an intense fear of public places, especially from crowded situations. This fear arises from not being able to escape if such a need arises. In very severe cases the person may refuse to leave his home completely. This phenomenon is called “avoidance” and it is a very serious psychological problem. A person with avoidance cannot seek help, because they are too afraid.