• The Wizard of Oz by Frank, Alice in Wonder Land by Lewis Carroll, The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien


    Essays2 Art

Published: 08.04.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'The Wizard of Oz by Frank, Alice in Wonder Land by Lewis Carroll, The Hobbit by ', 1.
  • Essays 'The Wizard of Oz by Frank, Alice in Wonder Land by Lewis Carroll, The Hobbit by ', 2.

The Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonder Land and The Hobbit are great fantasies. All three stories have something in common. The Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonder Land are about a little girl and imagination. Baum did a great job of taking every day reality and things and making them into fantasy. The novel also contained a great deal of suspense. In some instances the story may even contain some horror to a child because of the wicked witch. Alice in Wonder Land was a bit different type of fantasy because Carroll didn't use much of everyday reality.
Overall, The Wizard of Oz was a good and exciting fantasy the good always out weighed the bad. The imagination of a child made whole story more of a fantasy than anything else. Without imagination there would be no existence of fantasy.
The theme of the novel was about a little girl who took all of her fears and fantasies and dreamed them into one dream. Dorothy's biggest fears were of witches and she had thought about them so much that she probably bothered her aunt Em about the subject to a point that aunt Em had told her that witches do not exist.

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