Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays '"The Power and the Glory" by Braham Greene', 1.

A saint can be defined as one of God's chosen, usually Christian people. A brave person can be defined as someone who has allot of courage. In the novel The Power And The Glory, the whiskey priest states that he isn't a saint and not even a brave man. Greene shows this was an accurate statement when he talks about the fact that the whiskey priest was an alcoholic, also that the whiskey priest lets himself commit a mortal sin. Greene shows this was an inaccurate statement because the priest doesn't think just of himself and goes to help others in need and how the whiskey priest is able to forgive and forget very easily. The author Graham Greene shows throughout the novel this was an accurate and also inaccurate self-assessment of the whiskey priest.
Graham Greene demonstrates how brave and courageous the whiskey priest is when he is willing to forgive people that turn on him. …
