Published: 26.01.2011.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: 3 units
References: Not used
  • Research Papers 'Scottish English', 1.
  • Research Papers 'Scottish English', 2.
  • Research Papers 'Scottish English', 3.
  • Research Papers 'Scottish English', 4.
  • Research Papers 'Scottish English', 5.
  • Research Papers 'Scottish English', 6.
  • Research Papers 'Scottish English', 7.
  • Research Papers 'Scottish English', 8.
  • Research Papers 'Scottish English', 9.
  • Research Papers 'Scottish English', 10.

At the moment, the English language is the language known in the whole world. There are a lot of varieties in English language – Southern English, Scottish English, American English, Australian English, Canadian English and more. Scottish English is the result of language contact between Scots and the Standard English of England after the 17th century. Scottish English has a long and developing history, according to one’s point of view, can be considered either a group of dialects of English, or a distinct language. That is one of the main reasons why I chose this particular variety. Many non-Gaelic-speaking Scottish people have at their command two forms of speech: one of them is Scottish English, i.e. Standard English spoken with a Scottish accent, the other is Scots, the traditional dialect spoken in southern, central, and north-eastern Scotland. In rural areas the distinction between Scots and Scottish English may be quite sharp. In urban areas, and particularly in the industrial cities, there is a continuum of variation. For example, Gutter Scots – urban working-class speech, primarily in Glasgow.…
