• Environmental Report: Tidal Power in the Bay of Fundy


    Essays7 Geography

Published: 27.11.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Environmental Report: Tidal Power in the Bay of Fundy', 1.
  • Essays 'Environmental Report: Tidal Power in the Bay of Fundy', 2.
  • Essays 'Environmental Report: Tidal Power in the Bay of Fundy', 3.
  • Essays 'Environmental Report: Tidal Power in the Bay of Fundy', 4.
  • Essays 'Environmental Report: Tidal Power in the Bay of Fundy', 5.
  • Essays 'Environmental Report: Tidal Power in the Bay of Fundy', 6.
  • Essays 'Environmental Report: Tidal Power in the Bay of Fundy', 7.

Given the grave environmental challenges such as global warning or environmental pollution facing many kind in the coming century and because oceans play such a very important role in governing the degree of global warming, fisheries yield, and degrees of pollution along our beaches, the study of the tides through a variety of means such as ship surveys, and remote sensing will lead to a better understanding of how the oceans work. The hope is that as a result, we will leave behind for our children a world that is both livable as well as enjoyable in all its majesty . If we an avoid oil spills into the ocean the water and environment will be more beautiful and ecologically safe for all living things.
