Published: 31.03.2014.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: 30 units
References: Used
Time period viewed: 2000 - 2010 years
2011 - 2015 years
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 1.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 2.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 3.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 4.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 5.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 6.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 7.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 8.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 9.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 10.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 11.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 12.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 13.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 14.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 15.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 16.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 17.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 18.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 19.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 20.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 21.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 22.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 23.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 24.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 25.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 26.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 27.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 28.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 29.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 30.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 31.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 32.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 33.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 34.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 35.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 36.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 37.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 38.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 39.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 40.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 41.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 42.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 43.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 44.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 45.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 46.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 47.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 48.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 49.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 50.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 51.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 52.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 53.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 54.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 55.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 56.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 57.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 58.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 59.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 60.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 61.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 62.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 63.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 64.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 65.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 66.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 67.
  • Term Papers 'Communication and Nonverbal Communication', 68.
Table of contents
Nr. Chapter  Page.
  Introduction    1
Chapter 1.  Definitions of the concepts communication and non-verbal communication    4
1.1.  Meaning and purpose of Communication and nonverbal communication    6
1.2.  Basic Purposes of Communication    8
1.3.  A Study of Communication    10
Chapter 2.  The Concept and Characteristics of Nonverbal communication    14
2.1.  Uses of Nonverbal Communication    24
Chapter 3.  Cross-cultural comparison of nonverbal communication    25
3.1.  The Communication Gap    30
3.1.1.  Communication Patterns during Meetings    33
3.1.2.  Meeting Behavior and Comportment    34
3.2.  Body Language    35
Chapter 4.  Cross - culture completions of non - verbal communication in the business contacts of USA, JAPAN, RUSSIA    41
4.1.  USA Cultural Factors in Communication    41
4.2.  Russia    47
4.3.  Japan    50
  Conclusion    52
  List of literature    54
  Appendix 1.    56
  Appendix 2.    60

In conclusion the following tips are to be taken into consideration:
1. Human communication means to make sense out of the world and to share it with the others.
2. Nonverbal messages will always be more accurately representing our feelings, attitudes and beliefs.
3. The nonverbal communication is not always the whole story.
4. Commit to being a lifelong learner about how to read non-verbal signs or body language. Remember that people can and do communicate information in numerous ways.
5. Ask questions about body language to clear up confusion about the other person’s nonverbal signs.
6. Learn to use your body language to be more effective in your communications.
7. Learn to view some gestures as a group of signals, rather than as an individual signal to make sure you are not placing too much emphasis on a single gesture.
8. Nonverbal language represents more than 50% of our total messages 9. Non verbal communication is meant to be anything else than words themselves that communicates or affects the message which is being contained in the words.
10. In business life nonverbal communication can make us successful or on the contrary can disappoint us.

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