Published: 21.05.2007.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Indigence and Depression', 1.
  • Essays 'Indigence and Depression', 2.
  • Essays 'Indigence and Depression', 3.

In nowadays indigence and depression becomes more and more in our lifes. It is one of the most bigest problems in the world, who takes our minds, lifes and strenght, each day. Somehow it is illness to whom is imposible to fights just with one weapon. There is need many arrangements, sticked togeather, and put on work against those things- distress and suffering. They are supplement eache other, and almost always are jointly. Even in rich states there is depression, couse some peoples don't feel the way to aspire to something more.
In Latvia it is serios problem for almost all level of social structure- if there is no problems with money, then they realy disturbe about future and way how to keep same social level; if you are not enough assured, then could get wory about future, how to survive.…
