Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'George Washington ', 1.
  • Essays 'George Washington ', 2.
  • Essays 'George Washington ', 3.

Nevertheless, Washington was indispensable to the American experiment in self government, and if it wasn't for Washington, the office of president, might not exist. His leadership qualities as president made him a special leader. He surrounded himself by people who were equally capable of running the country like himself, which was considerably more important in formulating programs and policies. However, the institution of the presidency is more than what any president accomplishes or does. It possess a symbolic, ritualistic, almost mystical quality that inheres in the office as well. Washington contributed best by serving as a symbol. The Constitution of the new United States provided for a strong and energetic executive authority. Yet, Americans had great fear of executive power due to their prior
expierences with kings in England. Anyhow, Washington's thoroughly justified reputation for integrity, dignity, and republican virtue, inspired trust amongst Americans.

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