• An Objective Essay on the Book "Prisons We Choose to Live Inside" by Doris Lessing


    Essays2 Literature

Published: 18.04.2002.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'An Objective Essay on the Book "Prisons We Choose to Live Inside" by Doris Lessi', 1.
  • Essays 'An Objective Essay on the Book "Prisons We Choose to Live Inside" by Doris Lessi', 2.

In the process of growing older we find ourselves developing certain thoughts and ideas which are often forced upon us by other individuals or groups. In Dorris Lessing's Prisons We Choose To Live Inside she brings up a valuable point being that humans have the most trouble resisting the influence of a group. It is often found that in order to successfully convert a human into the "social or group animal" they must go through many stages. Included in this are brainwashing, the offering of safety provided by the group, and the lack of awareness the members of the group have towards history and their past experiences. Therefore the responsibility falls upon an individual to resist the persuasive ideas of a group.…

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