Published: 30.11.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Abortion', 1.
  • Essays 'Abortion', 2.

The woman who had the abortion could possibly have guilt over aborting the child while the woman giving her child up for adoption will have guilt over sending the child into the system and them possibly never being adopted and not being given a better life.
In the United States if Bush was elected president again he would probably try to pass more laws against abortions and partial-birth abortion. He would probably preach for the voice of the child and not the woman. On the other hand if Kerry was elected president he would try to pass the Freedom of Choice Act to remove all restrictions on abortion. He would probably preach for the rights of the woman and that the decision is up to her and only her. The future of abortion has and always will be an unpredictable one that only time will be able to tell.
