• Everything is Funny as Long as It is Happening to Somebody Else


    Essays1 Psychology

Published: 15.05.2010.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
  • Essays 'Everything is Funny as Long as It is Happening to Somebody Else', 1.
  • Essays 'Everything is Funny as Long as It is Happening to Somebody Else', 2.

The world today has been turned around. Things are different in every way, but this time - I will be speaking about jokes or situations that makes us laugh today..
If earlier times, there had to be a special story for everyone to laugh, then today it’s just the simplest situation, text or grimace, that we laugh about for years! For example, in 15th century these funny stories were called novels, but today – it’s just called ‘’My friend yesterday fell on the ground! And it was SO funny!!’’ Or how we call it – fails.
Everything is funny, as long as it is happening to somebody else - I do agree with this statement! But at the same time.. these things that happen to yourself may be funny too! You just have to have the right company of people around you!…

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